shop and establishment Bangalore

shop act license Bangalore


KARNATAKA SHOPS ESTABLISHMENTS ACT 1961 is framed for the welfare of employees working in Shops & commercials in all over Karnataka.


Applicability of shop act licence Bangalore Karnataka


In Karnataka, the notified areas where the Shop or any Establishment has been carrying any trade, business or services then within 30 days from starting of the business shall register it’s under this Act.


We at Team IN Filings Bangalore help the Business to get the new Shops Act registration, Shops Act renewal, Shops Act amendment of existing registrations, filing of annual returns, etc. Our team is well versed with Shops Act matters. In case, you need these services, we would be glad to assist you. Please write to or call +91 7019827351


Further, based on our vast experience, we have prepared the most commonly asked questions by the business regarding the Karnataka Shops Act. We hope, it answers answer most of your questions


How much time does it take to Get  Shop  Establishment Certificate?

The Shops Act registration takes within 15 days from the date of filing the application.


What documents are required for Shops Act Registration?

Photo of the authorized Signatory

PAN card copy

Mobile number and Email id of the Authorized signatory

Rental Agreement

Authorization Letter

Partnership Deed for Firm, Incorporation Certificate for Company

Number of employees details


What is the total Government fee for Shops Act. Bangalore?

No of employees             Fees (in Rs.)

No Employees                   250

1 to 9 Employees              500

10 to 19 Employees         3000

20 to 49 Employees         8000

50 to 99 Employees         15000

100 to 250 Employees    30000

251 to 500 Employees    35000


What covers under of shop or establishment?

‘Shops’ includes offices, storerooms, godowns, warehouses, whether in the same premises or otherwise, used in such connection with such trade or business, but does not include a commercial establishment or a shop attached to a factory.

Commercial Establishment means a commercial or trading or banking or insurance establishment, an establishment or administrative service in which persons employed are mainly engaged in office work, a hotel, restaurant, boarding or eating house, a café or any other refreshment house, a theatre or any other place of public amusement or entertainment.


What is the validity of the registration?

Registration certificate is valid for 4 year period and it has to be renewed thereafter. However, changes such as address, number of employees, etc., to be notified to the registration authority, in the prescribed form, within 15 days after the change. 


Any shop or establishment is exempt from registration in Karnataka?

Apart from the Government Offices, Establishments for the treatment or care of the handicap or mentally unfit, Offices of legal practitioners and medical practitioners in which not more than 3 persons are employed are exempt from the registration under this Act


What the major regulations covered under this Act?

The Shops Act, deals with Weekly Holidays, working hours, issue of appointment letters, attendance of employees, etc.


Important Rules under Shop and Est. Act are:

  • After each month salary shall be paid before 7th date of next month.
  • Working period of any employee should not exceed 48 hours and 58 hours including extra working hours
  • End of the year, counting the working day of the employees for present year; 1 day per 20 days as earned leave and 1 day per 30 days as sick leave shall be calculated. This leave account shall be recorded in the format ‘F’
  • Any employee who has completed 180 days service to the establishment cannot be dismissed without prior notice
  • Every employee shall be entitled to preserve earned leave for 40 days
  • The employment of children below 14 years is prohibited under Section 24 of the Act
  • Young persons and woman shall not be employed during night, between 8 pm to 6 am.
  • The name board of every establishment shall be in Kannada and if any other language is used, it should be below the Kannada version 


What documents are to be maintained under Shops Establishments?

  • Use format ‘A’ ; for Establishment registration/Renewal/To report change of information.
  • Use format ‘P’ ; to fix the different day as the weekly holiday.
  • Use format ‘F’; to maintain leave records and
  • Use format ‘H’ ;to give the copy to the employee.
  • Use format ‘T’; to maintain daily attendance of employee.
  • Use format ‘R’; to get permission to allow women to work after 8 pm.


Should we need to apply Registration for each branch / each location?

Yes, For each branch a separate registration has to be done.


Regular Compliance under Shops Act Karnataka

Registration:    Within 30 days

Amendment:   Within 30 days of change of address, change of director, increase in employees

Renewal:         Every 4 years

New branch:    New registration

Annual filing:  Form “U”  15th every January

Bonus:             Form D


Other registrations required to start the Business in Bangalore

·         Gst Registration

·         Professional Tax Registration

·         Msme Udyam Aadhar Registration

·         PF Registration

·         Esi Registration

·         Import Export Code (IEC code)

·         Trade License from BBMP


For more Shops and Est. in Bangalore, reach us:

Team IN Filings, No188/1, 1st Floor, Sahakarnagar, Bengaluru – 560092


Telephone: +91 7019827351 Email:

+91 701 982 7351

No 188, Sahakarnagar, Bangalore 560092

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