Siri S Ca office

Siri S Ca office is a 10-year-old Chartered Accountant office (Ca/ Auditor) in Bangalore.

Giving services on Chartered accountant (Ca services), Company Registration, Gst, Income tax Filing and Trademarking. please try for no Siri S Ca office no charge!

Call: +91 7892256853

Did you know the difficulty to get trustworthy Ca in Bangalore? As per report from business Express, many Companies may not find there right choice. Business complaints are many like, the proper formation of the company, tax plan, internal control, compliance etc. How to help you with those business challenges to improve your Business from Siri S Ca office?


Companies in general getting Ca offer, saying that you can use their service to improve Compliance, Tax planning accounting, etc., that isn’t happening. If you have ever tried to grow and manage your business without a good CA office demonstrated by Siri S Ca, you know that it is waste of time, and money and almost difficult to do.

Siri S Ca office demonstrated a track record of giving Chartered Accountant Company-related services to more than 300 Clients as retainers. we are recognized by Startup India from Govt. of Karnataka. please try for no charge!

Call +91 7892256853

Siri S, a Chartered accountant from Bengaluru excels in Chartered Accountant services for the last 10 years. more than 300+ Clients on retainership with Siri S Ca service in Bangalore. get Bangalore Ca for no charge! +91 7892256853

How can CA help to improve the business? 

If you want to run the business easily and legally, then CA guidance helps you a lot. Alternatively, you can have various business options to evaluate with CA so that your business can take off quickly legally.


Starting from Business registration, getting many licenses, Tax planning, internal control, filings and raising the funds, etc, he is with you.


We are helping many Companies in Bangalore to manage the entire business cycle starting from Company Registration to managing compliance Etc.

What and all Ca do for you?​

Private Limited Company Bangalore is the most demand from business. Siri S, Ca provides quick Company registration services in Bangalore. we are most prefered  Company Registration in Bangalore. please try for Company Registration no charge!

for Pvt Ltd. Call +91 7892256853

Company Registration planning

If you want to make a good Business, then selection of the correct type of Company is the first step.

Although running the company and management is purely based on the type of industry. But weightage on the business and goodwill comes from the type of Compay too.

Your CA office helps to find the right choice of Company Registration whether it’s a Private Limited or Limited company or LLP or Proprietorship. You must consult us to finalize the Good company, as we have an in-house Company secretary who is an expert in the Company law and can assist by evaluating your requirements and plans.

Getting Gst Registration Bangalore

Most businesses, in the initial days not required to have GST; however to have a business tie-up, one must get the GST registration.

Now, GST registration is as good as a Business license for carrying your sales and purchases. You can take the input credit on those GST purchases and utilize it later period once your revenue starts.

Are you noticing a GST trend? Most companies who wish to engage with you ask for GST number. At least for getting the Business in hand, you must hold the GST. Benefits from GST registration are.

  • Easy to get enter into other business engagement
  • Business recognition in the Global market
  • Transparent in Business activities
  • Utilize the purchase GST as input credit.
  • Helps to participate in the Government tenders
  • Easy to get the Bank loan

Getting Registration under Gst Act and filing Gst return with Siri Ca Gst office is an easy task.

We, Siri S is a Gst Expert in Bangalore. providing Gst Compliances, GSTR1 and Gstr 3b filing in Bangalore. We are retaining Gst support service for more than 300 Clients on regular basis in Bangalore. we are a Gst practitioner in Bangalore. please try for no charge on Gst advise!

for Gst Call +91 7892256853

Zero Tax payment by Company?​

For success of a company;  Cash flow is important. Getting the angel investors & concessional interest on loan under Startup India regsitration Companies makes perfect.

Many startups in India are aware the beneftis under Startup India scheme. It provides Tax exemption, concession on the Interest on the loan, promotion of the brand, business etc. Siri S Ca is enabler of Starartup India registration in Bangalore. please try for no fee!

for Startup India +91 7892256853

Getting startup India certificate Registration

After Company Registration, you must get the Startup India Registration. Your Ca helps you to get the Startup India Certificate, as this helps below:


  • Tax exemption or no tax for the business up to 3 years
  • Reduction in the cost of public procurement like Branding, patent, tenders
  • Easy access to funds


Tax savings to the angel investors who invest on the premium valuation basis in the Company.

Make the business Brand by Trademark

Did you know that around 10 (ten) thousand companies registered each month? If you want your business to stand out, you need to make a Branding strategy. One of the key strategies for good branding is Trademark.

You Ca office keeping in mind the importance of the Trademark, employed a Trademark agent, who helps you to plan and execute the Trademark so that it gives your business goodwill and intrinsic value.

Benefits from Trademarking are:

  • It protects against unfair competition
  • Protects your business name from misuse
  • Trademarks make your business an asset

You can take legal action for those who mis-use your business

In the competition world, to retain the business and growth, you must hold unique Trademark.

Customers always belive in the brand, and its growing every year.

We understand business demand on the Branding and Trademarking, Siri S, Trademark in Bangalore provided TM related quality trademarking search and Registration of trade marks in bangalore. please try for no charge on TM!

Trademark help +91 7892256853

Reduce the cost

Proper management of the accounting is very important in the business. based on the accounting and reporting only management takes  the decision. by making error in the accounting system & reporting leads to misrepresentation and it may lead to loss.

Siri S, Chartered Accountant assisted  to Accounts management for more than 300 Clients on regular basis in Bangalore. we are well experience in the accountants, Ca assisted quick book. please try for no charge on Accounting service!

Accounting help +91 7892256853

Proper Accounting & MIS

The Accounting system is the backbone of the business. If you’re spending money for a business that needs to be recorded properly to evaluate the cost implications. So that you can take the right decision or correct it if it’s required.

The accounting shall be carried on a real-time basis so that your business has the right picture of the Profit and loss and balance sheet items like receivable, payable etc.


Your Ca office offers many businesses, and there accounting outsourcing helps them in many ways;


  • It reduces the cost of hiring a full-time accountant
  • You can drive your main business and no need to worry about accounting.
  • No need to pay software costs on the accounting, we will take care
  • You can have an accurate Accounting Mis report. As this report from the Ca office
  • It increases control and reduces fraud in your business.

Regular Filing services

If you have a company, and you are doing Sales, purchases, and payments, the regular filings need to be done with Roc, PF, ESI, Tax office to keep the compliance accurate.


Our Ca office helps to setup regular filings by taking care of below :


  • Roc filings with the Ministry of corporate affairs
  • E filings on the PF, Esi, Tds, etc.
  • Annual return with departments

Compliance filings with regulators


As per Companies Act  (CA) 2013, All the companies must file its monthly, quarterly & yearly returns with Income tax, Gst, Registrar of Companies (Roc), Provident Fund office, Employee state insurance (ESI) etc.


Siri S, Ca Filings Bengaluru gives Tax return filing, Tds filing, PF Filing, Esi Filing, Roc filing services to more than 300 Clients on regular basis in Bangalore. We are managing the report on cloud system. please try for no charge on E filings!

Call Filings +91 7892256853

Looking for CA Services?

Call me at +91 7892256853 or email TEAM@TEAMINDIA.CO.IN​

Siri S, Ca office reachable across Bangalore


Ca office Sahakarnagar Call +91 7892256853

Ca office Kalyan Nagar Call:  +91 8792858436

Ca office Frazer town Call: +91 7892256853

Ca office Yeshwanthpur Call: +91 9008707760

CA Filings service

Tax return Filing services

Reporting with the income-tax department by way of tax return filing by end of the year about your profitability or loss is a must.

We, as qualified, Ca assist you to make the right profit and loss report as per Accounting standard and Income-tax law.

Chartered accountant certification services

For many reports like net-worth certificate, Balance sheet, Profit and loss report which reported for Bank loan’s project report must submitted.


All though you can get the report, it must be verified with Ca and certified by CA. our ca partner helps you to make a good project report with certification. So you can have easy access to bank loans for your business.


my star rated Ca services

Below are my other Ca services

You can access the many services as and when required for your business.

Below are my additional Ca services to you.

  • Internal Audit Services to your business
  • Tax planning advises you to reduce the tax outgoing as per law.
  • Payroll outsource for your Employee’s Salary process
  • Getting the various license like:

Fssai Registration

ISO certification

Shops and Establishment registration

Professional Tax registration

Provident Fund process

Employee state insurance process

Tds quarterly process

Company Compliance filings

Mis on the various updates

Sir S Ca Bengaluru gives Chartered Accountant and Company secreatry related services to more than 300 Companies from last 1 decade on regular basis in Bangalore. We are authorized from Income-tax office. please try for no charge on the Filings!

Call +91 7892256853

About the Siri S Ca

Siri.S (full name Sreedhara S), come from financial and Accounting background. earlier he worked with big MNC companies like Madhura Brands, Levi Strauss India etc. During his service period, he was engaged with CFO duties/ Accounts and bills control / Audit, Payables management.

Siri S, motived with big 4 Audit firms to start his own practice as a Chartered Accountant office (Ca office) in Bangalore. a team of Chartered accountants, CA firm in Bengaluru, having more than 10 years in Ca practice, providing much scope and development to business through his value-added services to Companies on the various matters example: Company Registration, Gst consultancy, Ca Audit service, Tax Filings and Gst Filings.

We, Siri S Ca office is located at Sahakarnagar, Yeshwanthpur Bangalore, Siri.S,  is highly reviewed and ranked in top position in the Chartered Accountants office at Sahakarnagar Bangalore to serve the Business. We are an expert in an income tax matters,Gst, Company law, Legal advise CA office. A strong force of Ca firm facilitating the Company requirements in Bangalore. We are having more then 10 years of Ca experience in Company Registration, For Income tax Filings service, Audit, Gst Filings and Trademark.

Find me your local Ca service at Sahakarnagar, Yeshwanthpura for Company Registration, Tax filing consultants, Gst registration and Gst Filing Consultants as one point expert Ca office in Bangalore. We are Quick and benchmark Ca support service across Bangalore.

Sir S Ca Bengaluru gives Chartered Accountant (CA services) to Private companies, Firms, Single owner business on their Company-related services from last 10 years on regular basis in Bangalore. we are recognized by Startup India department. please try for no charge!

Reach +91 7892256853

Siri.S is a Chartered Accountant office (Ca office) Sahakarnagar, Yeshwanthpur in Bangalore. Providing Companies requirements of Chartered accountant Services, our Yeshwanthpura CA firm in Bengaluru having more then 10 years of effective Company setup & Consulting Services We are CA firm best freiends for business to manage there CA service, Company registration service


Find my CA, Income Tax filings Consultants, GST related Consultants, CA Firm in Bangalore.


We are ranked Top Accounting Firm in Bangalore, we are providing Top Business Accounting service in BangaloreTop CA in Bangalore in Company Registration Consultants in Bangalore, Tax Consultants in Bangalore


More than 400 of our Clients in Yeshwanthpur, Sahakarnagar are getting my Siri Ca Accounting service, please try for no charge

Siri.S Ca office, is a expert Chartered Accountant office in Sahakarnagar and Yeshwanthpur, in Bangalore. Providing quality  chartered accountant (CA) services in Bengaluru, having more then 10 years of practice in Ca to enable the Business tax planning, and new company registration, Tax planning and advisory services & Consulting Services We are combined with CA and CS firm provide all 3 unique services at one place, The Main services are CA,  CS and trademark Services addition to Legal Services. Most business remain with us for all the 4 services.


Find near by Ca at Bangalore, or CA near to your area for quick and prompt service. We are servicing more then 400 Private Companies from last 10 years in Bangalore, and 30 years across Bangalore.


Our aim is to serve the Companies at best quality with least cost and to improve there business standards.


We have been awarded best MSME sector service provider from Government of Karnataka continuously from last 2 years.

Siri S, Ca Bengaluru consist team of qualified CA and CS members gives services to many  Clients on regular basis in Bangalore. we are most preferred service provider on the Private company in Bangalore. please try for no charge!

Contact +7892256853

Our services

• Chartered Accountant service Bangalore

We have been higly referred and five star rated Ca at Bangalore for more then 10 years in practice

• Ca office for near by local clients

We takes care your tax filings, Company Registrations, Trademark very easily as a local business

• Ca Certification service

We are providing Visa, business loan, project loan etc, Certifications across Bangalore

• Company secretaries

We have in-house appointed Company Secretary Bangalore to provide Company Secretary services

• Tax audit Filings service

As local specialist in the Tax filings, we take your tax return, advisory, tax plan advise etc.

• Company Registration expert

We are record break on the new company registration, we will get your new company within 3 days of time with all required certificates.

• Gst Registration service

Gst as said, is a Business license to run your sales, purchase etc., so we are expert in Gst in Bangalore. Apart from Gst Registration we take care the :


  1. Gst filings on monthly, quarterly
  2. Gst advisory services
  3. Gst and Tds filings
  4. Gst e – way bill advisory

Gst – e-invoicing advisory

• Brand by Trademark

We help business acorss Bangalore to make there business by brand and registration with Trademark office. We are cost effective and expert in Trademark registration.

• One stop for Fssai and DSC

For any food related business, Fssai is must, also for getting into business all documents need digital sign (DSC), we are authorized from E Mudra, Capricorn, V sign. We do provide all DSC services at bench mark cost.

More then 400 satisfied clients getting our advise, try for no charges!

Are You Ready to hire Good Ca now?

Good Ca is essential if you want to make a good company and grow your business, make more business sales, become a good entrepreneur in your field, or make a full-time income. 


Are you ready to hire me as a Ca to you? If so, contact me now at +91 789256853 or email for a free consultation about how I can add value to your business as a Ca. contact today!

My Office Address: 

Siri.S, Ca office

No 188/1, Byatarayanapura, Sahakarnagar

Near BT Pura Bus stop, Sahakarnagar post

Bangalore 560092, Website of Branch

Call: 7892256853 Email:


For any inquiries please email

Call: +91 7892256853

Find our Siri Ca office  on Google map to reach. kindly call +91 7892256853 us before visiting at our office.

More than 300 happy Clients with Siri CA.  please try for no charge!

Contact +91 7019827351

Contact Siri Ca

Ca office Sahakarnagar Call +91 7892256853

Ca office Kalyan Nagar Call:  +91 8792858436

Ca office Frazer town Call: +91 7892256853

Ca office Yeshwanthpur Call: +91 9008707760

Ca Escalate: reach +91 7019827351


188, BT Pura Bangalore, 560092

Contact Us

Phone : + 91  7892256853

Email :

Our Hours

MON-SAT 10:00 – 21:00

SUN 10:00 – 14:00

Call us before visiting to office.

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