Annual Filing LLP Form 11 Financial Year 2020-21

Annual Filing LLP Form 11 Financial Year 2020-21

Annual Filings for LLP FY 2020-21.


This is all about the Annual filing of LLP (Form 11 and Form 8), for the financial year ending 31st March of every financial year with Registrar of Companies (MCA).

What is LLP’s Form – 8?

Form 8 is self-declaration from all the designated partners of LLP, saying that we are capable to pay all the debts which become due in their normal course of business.

It’s a simple statement of accounts, shall be filed by every LLP within 30 days along with a fee, from the end of 6 months of the financial year.

What details shall provide in  Form – 8?

in Part – A Statement of solvency

in Part – B Statement of Accounts & Income and expenditure report.

Attachments, MSME disclosure report

Form 8 is to be digitally signed by 2 designated partners, certified by Company Secretary in practice


What is LLP’s Form – 11?

E Form-11 is an annual return.

What details are required under Form – 11?

under form 11, the details required are, number of partners, total capital contribution received from partners, details of partners, details about there contribution, a summary of partners etc.,

Due Date for form 11.

Every LLP shall file its annual return form 11, within 30 days from the end of the financial year., that is 30th May  for each year., however, due to pandemic, the due date for form 11, extended to 31st Aug 2021.

Types of Forms and Due Date
Type of formLLP Registered on:Due date of filing
Form 11Up to 30th September30th May
Form 11on or after 1st OctoberNext Year, 30th May
Form 8Up to 30th September30th October
Form 8on or after 1st OctoberNext Year, 30th October

Note: apart from LLP annual return, Income-tax return shall be filed, for more about ITR,

pls refer link: LLP Registration – Limited Liability Partnership – Team IN Filings (


What are the important factors to be kept in LLP compliance?

1. Books of Account.


According to LLP Act, the LLP is mandated to maintain the Books of Account.


Keeping the track of all the activities that your LLP is involved into and analysing the economic impact of the same is very much important. Record all your purchase, sales and other financial transactions by maintaining the books of account.


2.LLP annual filing


A return summarizing your business and its financial position, summary of management affairs of LLP, like number of partners along with their names as on 31st March 2021 must be filed with the Registrar. The same must be done through filling the two forms.


FormDue dateLate fee
Form 11- Annual Return31st July 2021(extended)₹100 per day of delay
Form 8- Statement of Account30th October 2021₹100 per day of delay


3.  Income tax return.


Every LLP is mandated to file the income-tax return of the LLP with the income tax department before due date.


Annual TurnoverFormsDue date
Less than 1 croreITR 531st July 2021
More then 1 croreITR 5 & 3CA, 3CD (Tax audit)30th September 2021


4. KYC of partners (designated partners)


Every designated partner of the LLP shall make his KYC with Roc for the period ending  31st March 2021, KYC must be filed with the Registrar. The same must be done through providing, DSC, pan, aadhar, recent bank statement, mobile no and email


FormDue dateLate fee
DIR-3 KycBefore filing annual return₹5000 per partner


Note: if LLP fails to file returns, an additional late fee Rs.100/- per day, is payable till date of filing.

for any clarifications on the LLP Return, kindly reach us.

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Team IN Filings is a Tax & Law house in Bengaluru specializing in company matters, income Tax Gst, Trademarks Startup India, etc.

Our expert company secretary, tax consultant, CA, and Trademark agent provide Taxation, Registration for Companies Accounts Audit, Legal compliance, etc.

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