

A trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these things that identifies your goods or services. It’s how customers recognize you in the marketplace and distinguish you from your competitors.

TradeMark Registration

Trademark registration allows a Trademark (TM) to use symbols or words used to represent a business or the products offered by a business. After registering a trademark, the other business cannot use it as long as it remains in use.
  • Guards the Commercial Goodwill
  • Legal Protection
  • Advertises Goods and Services
  • Creation of an Asset

Trademark Objection

A trademark is a logo, symbol, tagline, or a combination of these that represents a brand’s identity. Oftentimes, during the trademark registration process, the Trademark Registrar raises objections on the intended trademark
  • Filing Of Incorrect Trademark Form
  • Incorrect Trademark Applicant Name
  • Usage Of Deceptive And Offensive Terms
  • Insufficient Information On Goods/Services

Trademark Opposition

Trademark Opposition in India comes at a stage after the registrar has approved the trademark application on the distinctiveness factor and publishes the trademark in the journal for the third-party opposition. from the day it was first published
  • Highly effective remedy for TM owner
  • Public consultation

Trademark Renewal

A registered trademark in India expires after 10 years. But, it can be kept permanent by filing a trademark renewal application online or offline by paying necessary renewal fees every 10 years.
  • Protection from Frivolous Litigation
  • Extension of Ownership Rights
  • Brand Name Security
  • Monetary Returns
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