Process of your TradeMark
We will talk regarding your TradeMark and then gather the required details to begin this New TradeMark Registering process.
Based on the discussion, we can finalize your new Trademakr and start the process for further documentation and Registration.
We collect the advance payment and submit the forms to the department for Registration of your TradeMark.
We deliver your new TradeMark Registration Acknowledgement along with paid receipt, TM-A form etc.

TradeMark Registration Bangalore
Registration of a TradeMark is highly recommended.
Team IN Filings provides Quality TradeMark Registration, cost-effective and on-time delivery of your TradeMark registration in Bangalore.
Benefits from TradeMark Registration
You get the legal protection to use the Name / Brand as a Trademark.

Protect your Brand
You get priority of usage of trademark from the date of filing the application

Priority Usage
You can initiate legal actions against possible infringement by copycats.

Legal Action
Documents Required for TradeMark Registration
Text of Trademark Name
TradeMark name in the text format required.
TM Logo in Jpeg format
The logo of the Trademark required in JPG format
TradeMark Objective
Brief description of Goods and Services
Proprietor ID proof
You need to provide Trademark proprietor any ID proof like Pan and Aadhar
Power of Authorization (POA)
you need to provide POA to our Advocate to start the TM process
confirmation of final
We will share you the draft of TradeMark Application, onec your confirm, We can get it filed your TradeMark within 1 day.
How Team is best to get your TradeMark?
Quick Start
- Simple to get your TradeMark
- Step by step guidance
- Pre designed business options
- Best advise on the names & professional support
- 24/7 call support
After Sale service
- After Registration, we provide all support
- take care your Business compliance
- Accounting to Filings services
- Audit and Roc filings
- Zero Error and no penalty from others
A Trademark is a brand name, it distinguish a company’s products and services from those of others. It is also used as a marketing tool for creating awareness and recognition of products or services among customers.