Company Registration Bengaluru Karnataka

Company Registration Bengaluru Karnataka

The company is the most trusted and visible business structure in India.

A Company with “Private tag” or Limited tag registration is comes under the Companies Act 2013 with limited liability.

Registration is online.

The registration process is online, with over 11 years of experience in online Company Registration with an affordable fee to startups.

more than 2000+ startups registered In Karnataka. Now with the help of our online order processing, we make registration of company and anywhere more affordable and accessible to every aspiring entrepreneur at the comfort of your home.

How to Register a Company?

Today, company registration process and other regulatory filings are paperless; documents are filed electronically through the MCA website and is processed at the Central Registration Centre.

Company Registration process is completely online. Upon completing all registration formalities, the Registrar of Companies’ issues a digitally signed Certificate of Incorporation (COI). Electronic certificates issued by the ministry can be verified by all stakeholders on the MCA website itself.

Incorporating of a company is a systematic process of collection and submission of details required as per the requirements of Companies Act 2013.

Requirements for Company Registration

There are certain prerequisites to register a company. the main Requirements and process of registration of company  depends on the type of These are minimum shareholders and directors etc.

Basic requirements for Online Company registration

  1. Shareholders

To register a Private Company, there should be a minimum of two shareholders, One person is enough for OPC company.  The first shareholder(s) should execute the Memorandum and Articles of Association for registering the Company.

  1. Directors

A Private Company should have a minimum of two directors only, (OPC can have one director),  the individuals can be designated as directors of a company. Where a new company is registered by two or more existing companies or LLPs, the promoter company or LLP can nominate individuals as directors of the new company.

  1. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

All filings including are made through the MCA online application system, appended with a valid Digital Signature Certificate.

  1. Company Name

The name structure of a private company is Name (Noun + Activity Word + Private Limited) For example: Reliance Retail Private Limited.  Proposed Company Name shall comply with the Company Name Availability Guidelines under Companies Act 2013.

You can check the check the company name availability and make sure there is no Company or LLP name already registered with Trade name as well company.

How to Choose  a Company Name?? Selection of a company or LLP is the most unpredictable task in the process of starting a company and LLP. Naming of a Business by a promoter is a logical decision and approval of the name by the office of the Registrar of Companies is a legal decision.

  1. Validity of Company Name Approval

Company Name approved will be valid for 20 days from the date of Approval, in case name is being reserved for a new company.

  1. Extension of Time Company Name Validity

From January 26, 2020, the Registrar shall extend the period of a name reserved subject to payment of fees provided by Web service.

  1. Share Capital

The term Share Capital in a Company means the amount invested by the owners of the company for running the business.

There is no minimum capital (Authorized or Paid up Capital) requirement for registering a company. However, the registration fee payable to the Registrar of companies depends on the different slabs of Authorized capital of the company.

  1. Registered Office Address of Company

Registered Office of Company refers to the official correspondence address of a company or its principal place of business. The address of the Registered Office will be used for all official communications of the company.

  1. Commencement of Business by Company (COB).

The First Shareholders must bring the subscribed capital to the Company within 180 days of Company Incorporation. The Company can commence the business activities only after filing a declaration to the Registrar that every subscriber to the memorandum has paid the value of the shares agreed to be taken by him.

Company Registration Office in India

Registration and regulatory administration of limited companies are regulated under the Companies Act, 2013 and is administered by the Office of the Registrar of Companies (ROC), Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The Office of the Registrar of Companies (ROC) is situated at each State.

SPICe Plus Company Registration

As a part of Ease of Doing Business initiatives by Government of India, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs would be shortly notifying & deploying a new Web Form christened SPICe+ , replacing the existing SPICe Form 32 SPICe+ would be an integrated Web form offering multiple services viz. name reservation, incorporation, DIN allotment, mandatory issue of PAN, TAN, EPFO, ESIC, Profession Tax (Maharashtra) and Opening of Bank Account. It will also facilitate allotment of GSTIN wherever so applied for by the Stakeholders.

What you get with Company Registration?

After completion of Company Incorporation, you get the following:

  1. Certificate of Incorporation
  2. MOA & AOA
  3. DIN of Directors
  4. Company PAN Card
  5. PF / ESI Registrations

PF / ESI Registration numbers will be allocated to the Company. These registrations are mandatorily processed along with Company Incorporation. However, the Ministry has clarified that new companies incorporated through Spice+ and have obtained EPFO/ESI numbers will have to file statutory returns only when they cross threshold prescribed under the relevant Acts.

  1. Bank Account

Under Spice+ incorporation process, the preferred bank is will open a Bank account in the name of the Company and Account Number will be allocated to the Company. However, the bank account will be activated only after completion of KYC process by the Bank.

Company Registration Fees in India

Company Registration Fee varies depending on the Authorised Capital of the Company and State in which company is to be registered. Fill the form with place of registration and Check the Company Registration Cost / Package for different State.

Get your Company/LLP Up in 3 days

Team IN Filings is the Leading Company Registration service provider across Karnataka.

Company Registration – Requirements

  1. Directors:

Two minimum individuals, all directors must have KYC documents like Pan, aadhar, bank a/c.for Opc, one person is enough

  1. Shareholders

Minimum 2 shareholders (for Opc one person is enough). It is possible to have individuals and entities as shareholders

3. Digital Signature

  1. Registered Office Address

Every company must have registered office. The co-founders shall produce KYC documents at the time registration and thereafter for filing with registrar, the registered place can be resident place also.


How to Register a Company in India

Company Name Application

The applicant has two options to proceed with Company Name Application.

Option 1. Get the Company Name Approval under RUN Application process and proceed with File an application for Company name approval first and then go for Company Registration; or

Option 2. File the Integrated Company Registration Form.

Preparation and Filing of Company Incorporation Documents with MCA:

Under the SPICe incorporation process, Company Incorporation Process consists of preparation and filing of the flowing E-Forms:

  1. MoA
  2. AoA

There is NO Registration Fee payable for filing of e-Form INC-32 for all types of Companies if the authorised capital is less than or equal to Rs.15 Lakhs at the time of registration. However, filing fee for e-Form INC-33 / 34 and stamp duty is applicable for registration of any Company.

Processing of e-Forms by the office of Central Registrar of Companies

The Central Registration Centre (CRC) processes the application and if found the details / documents are in order, the Central Registrar of Companies shall register the Company and issue the following:

  1. Company Incorporation Certificate
  2. DIN for Directors
  3. Permanent Account Number (PAN
  4. Tax Collection and Deduction Number (TAN) to the New Company.

Documents Required

  1. Application for Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
  2. Consent to Act as Director: Form DIR-2

Registered Office – Address

  1. Address Proof – Electricity bill / Tax Paid receipt
  2. No-Objection Letter from the owner of the Property

ID & Address from Directors and Shareholders

Shareholders and Directors have to submit Identity Proof and Latest address proof

Acceptable Documents:

  1. Primary ID – Permanent Account Number (PAN)
  2. Additional ID – Aadhaar Card or Driving License
  3. Latest Address Proof: Telephone Bill or Voter Identity Card or Passport or Electricity Bill or Bank Statement or Bank Passbook with latest entries

Additional Documents

  1. NOC for Use of Name from Trademark owner
  2. Resolution and NOC from an existing Company / LLP for user of similar names Declaration for complying sectoral regulatory compliance

Advantages of Company Registration

Business Credibility

Limited Liability

Protection of Personal Assets to owners

Perpetual Existence

The company can sue and be sued

About Us

Team IN Filings is a Tax & Law house in Bengaluru specializing in company matters, income Tax Gst, Trademarks Startup India, etc.

Our expert company secretary, tax consultant, CA, and Trademark agent provide Taxation, Registration for Companies Accounts Audit, Legal compliance, etc.

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